In 2010, the National Association of Free Will Baptists held a campaign to raise money for international missions efforts. This nation-wide event involved youth groups participating in a walk that was just short of almost being considered a half-marathon - 10 miles to be exact. Many students and church members shed blood, sweat and sneaker tread for the event to take place.
Unfortunately Tekmerion was not able to participate in the event, as we are a company of filmmakers and not athletes. However, we did get the chance to shoot a series of completely serious, totally non-satirical videos. One was titled, Bumpin'. This video was filmed at a baptist church in Mount Juliet Tennessee. Through a combination of hard work, flashy decals, a muscle car, and child labor, we were able to do our part in helping the Go10 campaign.
Aside from filming this groundbreaking promo, our resident president, Brian, was actually responsible for the campaign’s naming. On a more life-changing note, Brian was exposed to texting as a viable method of communication. Finding himself amidst a horde of teenagers involved in the video, all who texted because they were young and hip, he discovered it was much easier to text the volunteers than to call them. After years of using more time-tested methods of communication like long distance yelling, smoke-signals and telegrams, Brian decided to convert to texting as another legitimate form of communication, alongside the typical phone call.
In more recent updates, as of 2017, Brian has made many other technological advancements with his cellphone, like Twittering and Instabooking.
#ThrowbackThursday #FlashbackFriday
Author - Conner Outlaw