One of our favorite partnerships is with the Gideons International. Upon entering nearly any hotel room in the United States, you’ll most likely see a copy of the Bible. Most likely, the Gideons supplied this Bible. This amazing organization has placed scriptures in the uttermost regions of the earth.
This past October, Tekmerion’s Commander in Chief, Brian, joined a team of like-minded believers on a trip to Zambia. Armed with a brand new Sony A7s II, Brian’s job was to collect footage for promotional material, and interview the gideons involved, both national and international.
The distribution took place around the city of Lusaka, where roughly 6% of Zambia’s 17 million people live. The Gideons carried nearly 200,000 copies the the New Testament to pass out at Schools, Universities, Hospitals, etc... They even put Brian and Kyle to work passing out scriptures.
Brian recounts, “A zambian brother told us to wait for him while he retrieved the car. I quipped something like, why don’t you hand us a few testaments while we’re waiting. The Gideon thought for a second, and then gave us a whole box. He decided to run a few more errands since we were occupied. My humor often escapes those in my own country. I don’t know why I thought it would translate cross culturally, but hey, we passed out the Word of God.”
The scriptures were so well received, in fact, that a Taiwanese Gideon named Yu, gave away nearly every Bible he had in minutes. To save the integrity of the documentary, Brian had to ask Yu to slow down. If you ask me, he should’ve just shot the whole thing in slow motion. Sure there is a crop factor, but slow-mo is like smooth peanut butter… delicious.
Conner Outlaw